Monday 20 December 2010

FujiFilm HS-10 - Raw Converters Compared (RFC and ACR) - Part One

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Note : Update December 22, there is now a second part to this which steps through the processes. Click here
A little while back I noticed that converting an HS-10 Raw file in the supplied SilkyPix Raw File Converter (RFC) was clearer than one converted in Adobe Camera Raw ACR.

This puzzled me and I determined I would look into it further at a later date. Today was the day.

Well, I spent the better part of this morning converting files in both. It does not matter how much I push, pull, tweak ACR, I get consistently better results in RFC.

One of the attractions to upgrade to the latest version of Photoshop/ACR was that it provided support for the HS-10 Raw files, and recently added a Lens Correction Module for the HS-10.

A quick summary here :
  • Colour, tonal gradations, clarity are all better in RFC
  • RFC automatically corrects 'most' lens aberrations
  • Using the Lens Correction Module for the HS-10, in ACR, increases overall image softness
I'll let the images speak for themselves. Apart from initial conversion, they have all been sharpened in the same manner. The ACR Lens Correction Module was not used as this simply added to overall 'softness'.

No Luminance (grain) noise reduction has been applied, but some (same amount for either) Chroma (colour) noise reduction has been applied.

Note : Clicking on any image will take you to a larger size. Each image is being shown as if it were a 16 x 21"  (A2) print, so only a part of the image is being shown

1. ACR left, RFC right

2. RFC left, ACR right

3. ACR left, RFC right

4. ACR left, RFC right

5. ACR left, RFC right

6. RFC left, ACR right

7. RFC left, ACR right

8. RFC left, ACR right

9. RFC left, ACR right

10 RFC left, ACR right

11. RFC left, ACR right

12. RFC left, ACR right

13. RFC left, ACR right

14. RFC left, ACR right

15. RFC left, ACR right

16. RFC left, ACR right

17. RFC left, ACR right

18. RFC left, ACR right

19. RFC left, ACR right

20. RFC left, ACR right

21. RFC left, ACR right

22. RFC left, ACR right

23. RFC left, ACR right

24. RFC left, ACR right

25. RFC left, ACR right


Related post about using the Raw File Converter - Click here




  1. I really enjoy your article. I promoted it thru facebook & tweeter

  2. Thanks. Glad you enjoyed it.

