Wednesday, 20 October 2010

FujiFilm HS-10 - Squid

From where I live, heading North takes you to Bangkok, South takes you to Krabi and Phuket. Long way away though.

Just to the East is the sea, and to the West mountains.

When looking outside, and the weather looks fine, all I can really get a clear picture of is North, South, East. It is difficult to tell what is happening West as the view is blocked.

So, yesterday and based on the fact that everything I could see promised clear weather, I jumped on the Beast and headed South.

Note : The first image was converted from Raw and all the others were shot as Jpeg. All have been sharpened and had some levels adjustment. The first has also had a power pole removed.

The Beast.

File photo - HS-10

The intention was to visit my favourite flower garden, before heading further afield.

I stopped there for only a few minutes as there were a lot of people around. Some event on. Just took a few pix and this is one of them. Not really sure these are called a flower, but I still like them.

After filling the tank, I took the scenic route which hugs the coast. By scenic, I mean that it meanders back and forward to the coast, and also has many 'twisty' roads. Fun on the Beast, boring in a car.

File photo - HS-10

Near a place called Pranburi, the road crosses a bridge over the Pran River and then you head into a coastal town called Ban Pak Nam Pran, roughly translated - Pran River Mouth Town.

For a couple of kilometres along the river, there are docks which cater to the many fishing vessels which come and go.

File photo - HS-10

Once in the town and heading toward the river mouth, the road then turns back on itself and, literally, hugs the coast.

For several hundred metres, both sides of the road are lined with Squid set out on racks to dry in the sun. I have passed these many times before, and taken many photo's.

This time, one set of racks caught my eye and I decided to stop and take a pic, or three.

I hadn't really noticed, but where I had pulled up there was a very narrow track leading toward the beach.

It wasn't long before a couple of young fellas came up the track pushing a cart laden with the 'squidy' stuff.

As the Beast was partly blocking their access, I moved it. As I did so, they mentioned, gestured, that I should park it inside the track and closer to the beach. My Thai is passable, so I got the message. I actually understand much more than I can speak.

The cart.

The young fellas stacking the racks.

I was very pleased I had followed their advice, as when I moved down the track just a short distance, I found the Squid 'works'.

Well, I call it that as there were a couple of dozen people working under a tin roofed shed, processing Squid for laying out on the racks.

You can see some of them smirking as they talk about this nosy Farang (foreigner) poking around as they work, and sticking a lens in their faces.

It wasn't until I was leaving that I thanked them, in perfect Thai, for allowing me to take pictures of them as they enjoyed their work.

This resulted in much laughter.

After getting a few images, I decided to head a little further South and lunch at my favourite beach-side restaurant. It is very good.

Literally, Very Good.

It is also never crowded, and the service is excellent, and the manner of the staff is always very pleasant.

Tell your friends, family, and your ... lover ?

There's something about being in a restaurant right next to the sea, the smell of the salty air, the cool breeze issuing from the water, and also knowing that Thai folk make some absolutely wonderful sea food.

This restaurant is no exception. Their sea food is excellent.

So, with all that in mind, I opted for this.

I suppose you're wondering what happened after that. Well, I ate lunch and then headed further South. Not for long though.

You know how I was telling you about the mountains ? Didn't take long before dark storm clouds started cresting them.

I ended up cutting short the trip, but I was very pleased I had found the Squid works.

Where does all the Squid end up ?

Mostly at the local markets around the area.

File photo - Fujifilm F200 EXR


Google Earth Link To Ban Pak Nam Pran



  1. Very pleasing images Dave !
    Did u find a definite improvement in your images after u moved up to firmware 1.02 ?
    Does the chrome setting change the skin color of the subjects ?{ as compared to the standard setting }


  2. Excellent trip report, and very nice pictures. I visited a few times (and briefly worked in )Thailand, and really miss your beautiful Country.

    I am a new owner of a HS10, and your blog is indeed full of info on this amazing camera, which I really like.

    Your site is on my 'Favourites', and I will regularily be back.

    Luciano (Milan, Italy)

  3. DR Shukla, Hi

    I haven't really noticed any operational change after the upgrade to v 1.02. Pretty much straight after upgrading, I did change my settings though. This has made a big difference to the clarity of the images.

    Chrome will warm up skin tones. If I were shooting people images here (asiatic skin), I would use Standard and pull the contrast (Tone) down also.

    Where people do not make up the main image subject it is not any issue.


  4. Luciano, Hi.

    Many thanks for your comment. I'm pleased you enjoyed the images and story.

    Enjoy your HS-10. Fun camera.

